To people trying to come up with theories: Evidence cannot just be dismissed at will (Q&A) (Mar 2)

by 4nZik

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We are receiving comments with scenarios that are more and more far-fetched. There are two things to take into consideration: the plausibility and the evidence. Otherwise, one can start suggesting that aliens came through the window to steal LL’s secrets about eternal life. For other delirious scenarios, read the penile enlargement stretching theory in this post. So, let us address in a new Q&A, some new questions.

Maybe Leo was with that woman at the time and the mob guy came in looking for something and ransacked his room. Leo got the object but still had his pants off from the girl and flushed the object. The mob guy then ran in and grabbed the tool that was later used it toilet and smashed his face knocking him out and the girl then suffocated him with the pillow getting blood on the yuga pants. I read somewhere Tony kneed the mob guy and maybe they are being forced by the mob guy to do certain things and the clues like the neon signs are more of a help me the answer is closer than you think. I forgot to mention the mob guy then uses to be tool to try and fish out the object but can’t so they leave. Girl leaves with the sheets around her waist since she left her pants covered in blood.

We do not know where to start because this is so unsupported. If an outsider had killed LL, why would TH spend four hours lying and contradicting himself in all his videos? Why would TH explain several times that there was no one else with LL when he died? Why would LL not defend himself in this extraordinary scenario? And, then, comes the mob guy looking for a mysterious object. Maybe kryptonite? Let us not go on because it is plain silly. Maybe this comment is a joke after all.

Has the bathroom an AC? He/they could have moved him there so that in a warmer and more humid room the body of LL would faster decompose.

The most plausible reason, based on the evidence, LL’s body was moved to the bathroom, was to disguise the assassination (on the bed) that went wrong as a self-inflicted death.

LL probably did not wear pants to keep his private parts cool, this is a common “biohacking” trick for fertility/testosterone. That also explains the video where one of the d-bags talks about man-skirts.

Yes, why not, but why then was he wearing a T-shirt? Since he was wearing a T-shirt, one would have expected him to wear loose boxer shorts or pyjama pants.

While I don’t have evidence to substantiate my suspicion, I think TH got some help. Maybe from Connor, or perhaps from that unidentified white man in the photos standing at crime scene with TH. Maybe both CM and that other guy. After they designed a scene, hid/destroyed/planted evidence, and stuffed LL in the bathroom, they locked up and conveniently “went on a trip” from Fri-Mon.

The unidentified man in white is not really unidentified. Here he is in the photo below. He can be heard talking on the phone saying, with non-native-English-speaking accent, “I don’t want to see the body.” We do not have any particular reason to suspect any involvement from this man, who was undoubtably questioned by the police. You mentioned CM and this man, rather than CM and SC. If you were SC, considering how suspicious and scary TH, CM and the whole affair are, would you have not distanced yourself from the two and from the house as quickly as possible, instead of hanging around with them and making foolish videos? Based on the evidence and logic, SC is very suspect.

Click on image to see full-sized image.

This question had be guessing for quite some time, what actually happened to coach Trevor. I think at this point, Trevor had a feeling of what’s actually going on, and quickly distanced himself away from TH. You can tell Trevor is a smart-educated dude, he put the pieces together.

We do not know what happened to CT as he seems to have vanished. However, TH’s declarations about CT in his “Leo Longevity Part 3 | Your Questions Answered” are puzzling. Basically, TH says that CT and LL were almost the same (brilliant, with no interest in money, his best friends), with the same mental issues (depression, bipolar disorder). Below are TH’s declarations about CT. We are not going to comment them, except by saying that TH seems to be consuming and replacing lots of best friends.

So all these years I’ve been looking for a replacement for big Coach Trevor coach. Trevor was my best friend traveling the world with me as well. And what’s fascinating is Coach Trevor and Leo longevity actually have a lot of similarities. They both have the same sleep cycle, they both use the same medications, they both have similar mental issues, except Trevor never got aggressive. He just got more depressive, but he was definitely bipolar.

Two of the smartest people I’ve ever met have the same mental issues, which is why I say that it’s Leo’s superpower because it was Coach Trevor’s superpower to be so brilliant. But that brilliance came at a cost of using a lot of medications to achieve that brilliance, the same way that Leo did. Like they built their intelligence the same way, they had the same discipline, they had the same, like, weird sleep cycles.

Coach Trevor also like his mental problems became an issue and basically Coach Trevor has to seclude himself on the underground, like being out in public, is just not really good for his bipolar. But on the underground.  He’s okay. So, coach Trevor’s still there somewhere on the underground. If I try really hard, I can get a hold of him, but he’s hard to get a hold of. I still consider him a friend, and we’ll definitely reconnect with him in the future when he’s ready again.

Leo didn’t make decisions based on money I didn’t make decisions based on money. Coach Trevor didn’t make decisions based on money.

I would say I’m completely honest and transparent. Coach Trevor and Leo both filtered themselves a lot.

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4 responses to “To people trying to come up with theories: Evidence cannot just be dismissed at will (Q&A) (Mar 2)”

  1. hannibaltwentythree

    Thanks for the new post & for answering my questions @4nZik
    I want to write something about the psychological aspects that came to my mind.
    What really stands out to me in the videos TH is posting is the following:
    He seems to using two different scripts and mixing them together. His old script A and the new script B, and he seems to be switching to A when he exhausted script B.
    Script A (that he constructed in his head before he presumably murdered LL: main topic the weird sleep and mental illness of LL, narrative: so LL overdosed on sleeping meds /sedatives, and unfortunately he died in his sleep. Simple & could make sense. This script would have been sufficient if his plan worked flawless poisoning LL and perhaps using a pillow just to be sure.
    But this plan did not work out smoothly, now there is a big mess, blood et cetera so now everbody thinks that he would need a totally need script. But, just speculation like everything that i write here, he is a psychopath (read the wiki about it, reads like the article describes TH !) and narcissism is huge part of it (pun intended). So he loves script A cause it is so super awesome and clever and mixes it with Script B: Here TH is the main character, TH loved LL, TH is not strong enough, TH did nothing wrong, TH this and that. He really seems to LOVE to talk about himself, so much that he doesn´t realise that there is a ton of things that are wrong and contradictive. This site/blog your work @4nZik showed all of these! Sidenote: In any western country all the d-bags would be in custody right now. I cringed so hard when i saw the picture where TH is at the murder scene and the police is laying their equipment on the bleeping bed. WTF! Would be great if the FBI would making pressure on the Thai police.


  2. mr.underhill

    A curious thing in some videos I think people may have overlooked is the fact that in all the biohacking videos leading up to LL’s death, LL was very condescending toward TH. TH was talked over, constantly corrected and disagreed with, and all but called an idiot by LL for not accepting the scientific literature and peer reviewed journals, and for claiming that the underground scene was way ahead of medical science since of course TH is a charlatan Dr who doesn’t care for the hard science and isn’t half as smart as he thinks he is. LL can be seen in multiple videos smirking and holding back his laughter at how ridiculous TH sounds when talking on the topic. TH being the complete narcissistic psychopath wouldn’t have taken well to this, but merely temporarily put up with it since it was garnering views for his channel.


    1. Klojo

      Ding ding!, this is actually insightful and could be the underlying reason.


  3. Bobby B

    Did you guys stop looking into this? I feel everyone just dropped it. Damn.


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